
Solar Hot Water Systems

The technology has advanced by leaps and bounds over the last few years, and is only going to get better and better as time goes on. Because these solutions have become so cost-effective, and because they have become so efficient, more and more people are considering tackling a solar hot water system installation all on their own – but is that the right move to make?

How much does solar hot water system cost installed?

The biggest reason that most people think about moving forward with a solar hot water installation as a DIY project is because the systems can be pretty expensive to have installed by a professional Sydney plumber.

It isn’t at all that uncommon for plumbing professionals to charge anywhere from $2500 or more – and sometimes much more – to install solar hot water systems, depending upon the technology used and the amount of solar hot water that a home is expected to consume on a regular basis.

As a general rule, the systems can cost anywhere between $2000 and $8000 or more when installed by professionals. You’ll spend about $1500 or so installing it all on your own (provided there aren’t any problems or hiccups along the way, of course).

You’ll need to get your hands on the proper tools and equipment for a reliable solar hot water installation

Right out of the gate, you’re going to need to get your hands on some specialized tools to properly install solar hot water systems.

After all, you are going to be cutting into your existing plumbing, you are going to be installing solar modules on your house, and you’re going to need to find ways to match your legacy plumbing and hot water systems with the new materials and components. This isn’t exactly the easiest thing to pull off without a lot of experience or specialized tools on hand.

You’ll need to make sure that your system is built for maximum efficiency and is as future-proof as possible

Secondly, you’re going to need to make sure that your solar hot water installation project is tackled to improve the overall efficiency of the system. After all, if you aren’t able to save money and get better results, what’s the point of moving forward with this costly upgrade in the first place?

As we highlighted above, solar technology continues to get better and better on an almost daily basis. You’ll want to make sure that you leave a lot of flexibility in your solar hot water installation to upgrade parts on-the-fly without having to start over again from scratch – always taking advantage of the best solutions without breaking your bank or ruining your solar hot water systems when you make these improvements.

Contact us here at Silver Water Plumbing to get solar hot water systems installed without any heavy lifting on your end

At the end of the day, if you’d like a no headache, no hassle, and no heavy lifting solution to install solar hot water systems on your property all you have to do is reach out to our professionals here at Silver Water Plumbing and we will take care of all the rest.

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