On-demand hot water is one of the essentials of modern living, it’s impossible to imagine what life would be like without gas hot water systems providing us infinitely adjustable temperature hot water on demand with nothing more than a twist of a specific fixture.
A gas hot water system installation or replacement is going to take a little bit of research and a little bit of due diligence, but there’s a reason why so many people are choosing to move forward with gas hot water systems compared to electric hot water systems these days.
Below we highlight the benefits and drawbacks that the installation of a gas water heater is going to bring to the table, and encourage you to seriously consider this technology when you are choosing your new hot water unit. If you need any help, contact a local plumber Sydney at Silver Water Plumbing and we will do our best to assist in any way we are able to!
Highlighting the benefits of gas hot water systems
Faster heating capabilities
As a general rule, gas hot water system installations are going to be almost twice as fast at heating water compared to electric models. If an electric system is going to take an hour to heat 50 litres of water, a gas model can heat that same amount of water in 30 minutes – or heat twice as much water in the same span of time.
For big families that are using a traditional hot water systems installation, this is a make or break benefit that separates gas heaters from the rest of the pack.
Lower energy costs
Electric heaters may be more energy-efficient compared to gas storage units, just because gas storage systems are going to suffer heat loss from the walls of the tank and the exhaust that is necessary to install – but electricity costs are almost always much higher than gas costs, which helps you balance things out but also helps you save money over the long term.
Can provide instant and on-demand hot water
Some of the best gas hot-water installation systems today provide instant and on-demand hot water so that you don’t have to fiddle with a tank or worry about running out of hot water – especially if multiple people need to take a shower around the same time each day.
Drawbacks of gas hot water systems
May be more expensive up front
Gas models are usually a little bit more expensive than electric hot water heaters, and that’s an upfront cost that you are going to have to factor into your decision for sure.
Potentially shorter lifespan
Electric hot water heaters also usually have a slightly longer lifespan compared to gas hot water systems, and this is something that you want to consider as well. Your average gas water heater will last about 13 years compared to the 14 years of long-term use you’ll be able to get out of an electric system.
Involves a more complex installation process
At the end of the day, a gas hot water repair is going to involve a more complex process. This also means you’re going to have to spend a little bit more to get the system up and running right out of the gate – though you’ll be able to manage and mitigate some of those extra costs by choosing to take advantage of the help that our Silver Water Plumbing professionals bring to the table when you choose to go in this direction.